Handelskammaren Mälardalen


Trade Talks - Tyskland

Germany is Sweden's most important trade partner. It is the world's fourth largest industrialized country with 84 million residents. The average purchasing power per capita exceeds that of Sweden, and four German regions have a higher GDP than our country in total. It is hardly surprising that our most important trade partner is called Europe's economic engine.

The economic ties between Sweden and Germany are strong, and more than 1 500 Swedish companies and subsidiaries are already on the German market. Germany is also the country that invests the most in Sweden, with over 1 000 subsidiaries in the Swedish market.  

Swedish companies and products have an excellent reputation and are appreciated by German companies and consumers for their innovative power and quality. There is great demand for solutions in areas where Swedish companies are industry leaders, for example in digitization, 5G and fiber connectivity, and energy.  

However, Germany is a country with strong and well-functioning value chains, and it can be a challenge for Swedish companies to find a place within these value chains, whereby it is important to be well prepared before entering the market and have the know how to navigate the regional differences within the German market. 

During this webinar, leading experts within internationalization will talk about the German market and what Swedish companies should think about when looking in south. 


Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers är ett samarbete inom internationell handel på initiativ av Sveriges regionala handelskammare och består av en serie av webinars med de senaste uppdateringarna och analyserna inom internationell handel från aktuella marknader. Under webinariets gång finns möjlighet till dialog med expertis från både svenska och utländska handelskammare, marknadsexperter samt med olika företag som ger sin bild och lärdomar.


Exporterande och importerande bolag, eller bolag som funderar på att börja arbeta på en internationell marknad.

Innan varje webinar kommer de som anmält sig att få ett mejl med länk till kommande sändning.

Mikael Wass

  • Marknadskoordinator
  • Medlemskap och internationell handel

Information och anmälan


15 mars 10.00-11.30
Sista anmälan: 13 mars



