France is an attractive market with a favorable investment climate, well-functioning infrastructure, and a highly skilled workforce with large investments in the tech sector. France can also serve as a gateway to parts of the French-speaking Caribbean and Africa.
French organizations often have a strict hierarchy, and the business culture and communication are usually more formal than in Sweden. The French also enjoy lively discussions and negotiating. It is important to build good relationships with French business partners, but also be aware of the cultural differences.
During this webinar, leading experts will explore business opportunities and talk about how to navigate the French market, provide insight, company cases and best practices to Swedish companies seeking to expand into France.
Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers is a joint initiative initiated by Sweden's regional Chambers of Commerce, in collaboration with Swedish Foreign Chambers of Commerce and market experts.
As a participant in Trade Talks' interactive webinars, 6 of them during 2024, you will have access to expertise from our worldwide international network.
Exporting and importing companies, or companies considering starting to operate in an international market.