Handelskammaren Mälardalen


Negotiation – An essential skill for success in business: Västerås

In the world of international business, negotiation is an essential ingredient in getting things done. Sometimes we may be conducting big, complex negotiations such as mergers and acquisitions, while on a day-to-day basis it underlies all business-to-business transactions. Internally, companies negotiate budgets, HR issues and the best policy strategies.

Most business people negotiate reasonably well. But they generally don’t fully comprehend the psychological underpinnings of negotiation and how to use this knowledge to get the best results – not only to meet their own objectives, but also to achieve outcomes that will satisfy their counterparts.

Negotiation is not a competitive sport where the sole objective is to win. This approach may produce satisfying results some of the time, but it may also lead to missed opportunities that a more cooperative approach could yield.

This short masterclass has been designed to take participants beyond what they do instinctively, and give them the concepts, tools, and techniques to plan and conduct much more successful negotiations.

08.30 – 09.00
Registration, coffee, networking

09.00 – 10.30
What every negotiator needs to do better

Decision-Making: Human beings are hard-wired to make less than optimal decisions. In this short session, participants will learn how to avoid traps that can lead to poor choices during negotiations.
Persuasion and Influence: Good negotiators need to be effective at persuading counterparts on the other side of the negotiating table. This lively session will draw on the works of Aristotle the latest research.

10.30 – 10.45
Coffee Break

10.45 – 12.30
Key principals of Negotiation – an explanatory framework. The fundamentals of reciprocity and interests-based negotiations, differentiating between claiming and creating value so that both parties can achieve positive and implementable outcomes.
Further development of negotiation principles and strategies for success – Building on the key lessons already learned, this interactive teaching session will introduce further strategies and techniques, tied in to the earlier discussion of decision-making and persuasion.

Seminar ends at 12.30 but you are welcome to stay awhile and mingle and talk with the tutors from the Oxford Programme on Negotiation at the Saïd Business School.

Who will teach the masterclass?

Tim Cullen is Director of the Oxford Programme on Negotiation at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and has taught negotiation in around 30 countries with special expertise from working in China and Asia.

Ning Wang is a member of the Oxford Programme on Negotiation tutoring team at the Said Business School, University of Oxford.

Information och anmälan


7 september 2018
kl. 08:30-12:30

(Seminariet ges även den
6 september i Örebro)


Handelskammaren Mälardalen, Vasagatan 20A, Västerås


Kostnadsfritt seminarium för medlemmar i Handelskammaren Mälardalen, men anmälan krävs.

Pris för icke medlem: 900 kr ex. moms. - Bli medlem nu

Vi bjuder på kaffe och smörgås under förmiddagen.

Sista anmälningsdag: 5 september 2018

Obs! Hela seminariet hålls på engelska.